South Jersey Real Estate Investors Association

Real Estate Articles

Are you in over your head? | By: Larry Goins

Are you in over your head?

This student stumped me…

Recently, I finished speaking to a room of Real Estate Investors. Normally, I have a few investors that come up to me asking for additional questions and I share with them answers and tips on how to build their Real Estate business with the strategies that I teach.

But this time was completely different…

I didn’t know how to respond at first because of her tone of voice, I was taken back…

Mary (I changed her name to protect her privacy) stormed to the front of the room, coming towards me with her eyes locked on mine. I knew she had something important to say or she was just mad about something…

“I want to stop learning and start earning!”

I was lost for words.

Not sure what to say I replied, “How do you mean?”

She continued to pour her heart out…how tired she was, staying up late every night to watch videos and listen to trainings…you can tell she was way over her head trying to learn everything from everybody. She was spinning her wheels and on information overload! Mixing one strategy into another. She was confused.

“Where do I begin?” She asked me.

It’s in these moments that I would normally throw out a funny joke to lighten the mood but I knew this woman, who I just met a few minutes earlier, wouldn’t understand my humor right away…so I continued to ask her about her current situation and about what she was trying to accomplish.

I listened.

After she poured out her questions, I gave her a step by step way to help her achieve her goals and I will share these same tips with you here in just a minute.

Today, there is so much education available out there at your finger tips. With the power of the internet, there are more people online sharing how to do this or that with just a few simple steps. But the truth is, which most people find out later, is that it’s not that easy. It takes work and it can be hard at times. Sometimes your will is the only thing that will pull you through, so you will need a strong one.

Listen, I’m not going to say that I have all the answers, because I don’t. What I can tell you is that I have created a fool-proof strategy that a high school kid can use. I say that because I only finished high school and have made millions of dollars using my strategy and have helped others make a lot of money too. There is no doubt in my mind that by using my strategies and following the checklist, step by step, that you can’t help becoming successful.

You know, most of the time I think we over complicate things. Most of the time we think that things are supposed to be harder than they seem. Well, have you ever heard it’s better to work smarter than harder? That’s what I enjoy and that’s the same thing I shared with “Mary” that came up to me asking how to get started.

Sharing the same strategy with you here:

I want you to become as free as you want to be. It’s up to you!

A few weeks after Mary got her copy of my Filthy Riches System she followed the simple step-by-step checklist, she made offers, got one accepted and closed on her first deal, all within 42 days!

This same system that Mary used to get her first deal is what you can use to acquire your next deal.

Go check out this free training that I put together for you and let me know what you think:

As always, I have Education Advisors standing by to help you get moving! Just call the office Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm EST and ask to speak to one. Our number is 803-831-2858. I’m in the office most days and might even get on the phone with you if I am available!

#Coaching, #FilthyRiches, #LarryGoins, #Mentoring, #OwnerFinancing, #RealEstateInvesting, #SellerFinancing

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