Virtual Online Meeting!
Landlording (previously Burlington-Camden County Subgroup)
Members are free - visitors pay $20
This focus group meets the 2nd Tuesday every month
Tax changes in 2025
Learn how to get the upper hand at tax time!
John Haslach, CPA MSTaxation - (732) 566-2849 | |
Major changes are on the way in taxation of real estate investing in 2025 -- these include:
- Changes to the $10,000 SALT Limitation (raises $17B in taxes)
- 20% Qualified Business Deduction
- Qualified Opportunity Zones
- Estate Tax $25.84M Credit
- Elimination of the Step Up in Basis at Death?
- Change in Capital Gains Tax Rate?
BIO - John is a CPA, his undergraduate degree is from Rutgers, his Master's in Taxation is from Seton Hall. He also has a certificate in Real Estate Investment and Finance from New York University.
John has been the CFO with Time Equities Inc in NYC since 2005 which owns almost 400 properties in 35 states and 6 European countries. Prior to that he was with Big 4 Accounting firm Ernst & Young's Real Estate Group in NYC.
John taught Real Estate Taxation at NYU for 7 1/2 years and is currently developing an Analyze the Deal program including his Real Estate Taxation course for Real Estate Professionals.
Cost: SJREIA Members attend free -- visitors pay $20
Various real estate topics are discussed each month. Great education and networking for all levels of real estate investors.
Location: ZOOM
Time: 7pm
Leader Lauren McNally
Co-Leader Rich Rickards
Visitors are welcome to join at any meeting!
BECOME a member the same night (various membership options available, see below) and we'll credit your visitor fee toward your membership.
Email to receive your discount promo code.
Membership benefits include
- FREE admission to all main and subgroup meetings
- FREE participation in our online networking 24/7 chat forum
- FREE access to our video resource library - 100's of hours of video replays from past meetings
- FREE to join our Home Depot 2% back rebate program + get 20% off paint discounts (terms and conditions apply)