Product Details:
Feb 18, 2020 Tax Liens & Tax Deeds - Frank Barillari
The entire country uses either Tax Liens or Tax Deeds to collect unpaid property taxes.
Investors can purchase free and clear deeds for an offering of only $250.00
Frank has intense experience in NJ & Pa
Pennsylvania is a Tax Deed State -- offers the ownership at auction, with 4 components, with one clearing all debt including taxes where investors can purchase free and clear deeds for an offering of only $ 250.00
New Jersey is a Tax Lien State -- offering 18% interest. I will show investors how to bid down to 0% and get a high rate of return above 9% with a redemption bonus of up to an additional 6% and possibly the deed.
Order Now: $25.00
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30 Day Money Back Guarantee (20% restocking fee)