Product Details:
Feb 19 2019 Preparing for successful investing in an economic downturn
How to brace and prepare for successful investing in an economic downturn
Panelists Jim Kennedy, CPA and Rocco Esposito
The New “Normal” Tax Code
The New “Normal” Economy
And What This Means To YOU, The Real Estate Investor
- This is the biggest and most far-reaching and complicated rewrite of the tax code since 1986.
- New tax rates, new tax laws, even new forms.
- These changes along with rising interest rates and other economic factors will impact investors directly.
- How to brace and prepare for successful investing in an economic downturn
- Our panel will provide valuable information that investors will not want to miss out on!!
Jim and Rocco have been SJREIA business associates for many years, and have significant areas of real estate expertise.
They offer separate perspectives that will combine to EMPOWER YOU to move ahead successfully in 2019!
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